NCDXF/IARU International Beacon Project

FAROS Monitor Stations

What Beacons are Being Heard?

There are three ways to determine which beacons are being heard in various parts of the world. You can check for spots made manually by amateurs who have heard the beacons and have posted a spot on a local DX Cluster or directly to DX Summit. Or, you can check with web pages showing automated reception reports of the beacons by Faros software or the Reverse Beacon Network.

The Reverse Beacon Network involves dozens of volunteer monitoring stations using CW Skimmer to monitor for CW callsigns and report them via the RBN web site. If you operate a skimmer, please adjust your settings to optimize reception of IBP Beacons.

Spots of the each of the International Beacon Project beacon stations are linked directly on the Reverse Beacon Network IBP Page.

The Faros program from VE3NEA automates the monitoring of the beacons and saves the daily results as gif files which can be uploaded to a web site.

Faros Users please take note. The new callsign and location for the KH6 beacon requires downloading an updated Beacon List file. Please download Beacon.lst and replace the existing file in your Faros program folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Afreet\Faros).

StatusActive Monitoring Stations

Please let us know if you see one of the inactive stations back, or one of the active stations now 404.

To see and hear Faros in action, watch this video.

For step-by-step instructions for linking Faros to a web page, see: How to Create a Faros Beacon Monitoring Web Page by VE3SUN.

If you find that any of this information is incorrect, please notify the webmaster of changes or new monitoring web sites.

ncdxf map iaru