Press Release
NCDXF Election of Officers
April 20, 2010
At its annual board meeting at the Visalia (California) International
DX Convention last weekend, the Northern California DX Foundation
elected two new directors, W6SZN and K6MM, bringing the board complement
back to eleven members. K6ANP and K6RIM recently retired after many
years of dedicated service to NCDXF.
Kip Edwards, W6SZN. Kip was a board member of NCDXF in the 80's. He
is a Life member of ARRL, DXCC Honor Roll, 5BDXCC and 5BWAS. Kip has
been on a number of DXpeditions including Rotuma, and Clipperton. He has
also been past president of the Northern California Contest Club and is
currently the secretary/ treasurer of the YASME Foundation. Kip is an
attorney and resides at Kings Beach, CA.
John Miller, K6MM. John is both an active DXer and very much into
contesting as past President as well as secretary/treasurer of the
Northern California Contest Club. John's other hobbies include antenna
experimentation, music composition and Harley Davidson motorcycles.
John and his wife live in San Jose. John is retired from a large
corporate consulting firm.
Please direct any questions to:
Glenn Johnson, WØGJ
Vice President, NCDXF
Email WØGJ
20 April 2010