Tim was first licensed in 1976 at the age of 10. Previous U.S. calls were WN4UYU, WA4UYU and KJ4VH. He also holds the
Finnish license OH4GN.
Tim has a BS degree in electrical engineering and works in telecommunications.
An avid DXer, Tim earned Mixed and CW Honor Rolls with
only 100 watts and a TA-33 at 40 feet. Thereafter, he bought a QTH in the
country and an amp and began putting up “real antennas”.
He has operated from 37 different DXCC Countries. Major
DXpeditions include BQ9P, two trips to BS7H, OJØ/N4GN, C21BH and H4ØAA.
Additionally, peripatetic Tim has traveled to more than 50 other countries
and visited each of the U.S. states at least twice. Tim has been intimately
involved in the planning and public relations aspects of several major DXpeditions,
although not able to join the operating team: TXØDX, FW8ZZ, and E44DX.
An accomplished contester, Tim set the single op world record in CQ WW RTTY
from EA8BH, and the QRP world record in WPX CW from VP2MU. Tim also participated
in a number of major multi-op operations, including a M/M world record in
CQ WW RTTY, a M/2 world record in CQ WPX RTTY, and a world first place M/M
finish in CQ WW CW, all from HC8N.
In addition to contesting and DXing, Tim is active on the VHF, UHF and microwave
bands up to 24 GHz (and working on 47 GHz!). On 6 meters, Tim has worked all
states and 513 grids (467 confirmed). On 2 meters he has worked 35 states,
all via terrestrial modes.