
SuperFox Key Application
Last updated September 1, 2024 @ 0300 UTC

A SuperFox key allows WSJT-X to operate in SuperFox mode. It is tied to a specific callsign.  A SuperFox key may be made available to the leader of a DXpedition activating a rare entity --- or other operations that need to support very high QSO run rates using FT8.  Examples include (but are not limited to) highly desired IOTA expeditions, Grid Square expeditions, or Special Event Stations. SuperFox mode is not intended for casual use or contesting.

Leadership qualification is determined by an applicant’s association with the DXpedition or event callsign on, or on the DXpedition or event website.

An application for a SuperFox key may be made at any time prior to the planned operation. The key will be communicated to the event leader approximately 30 days prior to the start of the event. Since the key must be kept private, communication of the key can only be delivered by a voice telephone call, secure iMessage, secure Zoom video call, or PGP/GPG encrypted email.

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