A resident of Aiken SC Andy holds an advanced license, having been licensed since 1974. Andy has been an ARRL member since 1974 and holds membership in Ten-Ten, Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society, the Antique Wireless Association and the Quarter Century Wireless Association.
Andy is an active operator on 80/75, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. He prefers HF DXing and working special event stations. He has earned both WAS and DXCC. Andy has been licensed for over 30 years, having received his novice license in the mid-1960’s. He home-brewed his first CW transmitter using parts from old televisions and a 9x9 cake pan for the chassis. He became fascinated by DX in the 1970’s where every QSO became an eye-opening experience. His blend of Amateur Radio interests are led by a preference for DX rag-chewing.
Andy’s academic career from high school through his current studies have yielded GPS’s of 3.45 – 3.95. After receiving a BS in Physics and a position at the US Nuclear Weapons Arsenal, Andy is currently enrolled at NOVA Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale FL where he is on track to receive a doctorate in Management Science.